An OS X command-line app for exporting Pages and Slices out of .sketch documents.
SketchTool comes bundled with Sketch (and Sketch Beta). You can find it in
To find the path to Sketch in a reliable way, you can use the following command: mdfind kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier == 'com.bohemiancoding.sketch3'.
Type $(mdfind kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier == 'com.bohemiancoding.sketch3' | head -n 1)/Contents/Resources/sketchtool/bin/sketchtool --help
to get started and see the list of available commands.
Note: SketchTool requires OSX 10.11 or higher.
SketchTool is free to use, but it comes with absolutely no warranty. That being said, if you find any bugs or have any feature request, please send us an email and we'll do our best to improve it.
SketchTool can only export a document if all the fonts that it uses have been installed on the system.
Note that future versions of Sketch will make changes to the file format, so make sure you’re always running the latest version of the tool.